Xavier Wulf

Xavier Wulf

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Xavier Wulf

Xavier Wulf is a man possessed. When he has a dream or sets a goal, it consumes him. When he hears a beat, it takes over his body, commanding him to speak, shout, and let out the rage. As an artist and a person, he is quite literally driven by something beyond himself — maybe that’s a little on the nose for a rapper known for his deep love of street racing and drifting, but it’s also an apt description for his process. When Xavier clicks with an instrumental, he closes his eyes, puts the lyrical pedal to the floor, and lets it all out, following whatever road feels right.

As the title of his latest project suggests, Xavier’s new GaragePUNK EP is informed by the high energy of the punk rock, heavy metal, & hardcore music that’s often influenced his sound, but it’s also an expression of the endless hours he’s spent toiling on his cars in the shop. You can hear and feel the clanking metal, the greasy Vans, and all the cuts and bruises that come with getting under the hood in this collection of mosh-pit anthems produced by regular collaborator Quintan Lamb.